Here are a few examples of the work I have been producing. Playing with shapes and colours.

Whats the secret? Maybe you have a secret love of your own? Pick this up and you will find out what secret this is keeping!!

Various work in white and blue glaze which when overlaid creates a grey mottle effect.

Beautiful sapphire blue glaze breaking over throwing lines.

Plain satin white on white stoneware clay, classic.

Throwing Brown and white stoneware clay together, different techniques produce different effects

Brown glaze with added gold crystalline effects

Subtle ghostly nature inprints

Cute incense cone burners.

Gentle tinkle in the breeze, very soft on the ears

What do you see in this glaze?

Slight anomalies in the glaze produce very interesting images!

My favourite glaze combination, infinitely variable and tricky to achieve using two reactive glazes. I love the feeling of being in deep , long grass with no definition, just peace. .

Love this effect especially good contrast with the dark clay

Gradient is green glaze overlay giving depth

Insect feeder for bees and butterflies or any other insect who's in need...including wasps, who do a lot of aphid eating for me! (Frog isn't made by me but he's so cute and is watching over my pond)

Two little incense burners.

Beautiful blue glaze breaking almost black over iron rich clay.

Acorn. Hollow form thrown on the wheel and hand finished.

Beautiful in blue!

Having fun cutting a new block of clay with a twisted wire

Originally made as incense cone burners these toadstool houses have evolved into night lights by popular demand, added more holes to add to the effect.

The first appearance of a Fairwarp gnome on here! In his Christmas red hat! I make a selection of these to fit with the seasons or events. Along with a Christmas tree pot, useful for hiding a few sweets or filling with colourful lights or candle.

Robins are one of my favourite birds and these little chaps tinkle gently in the breeze.

Simple in colours but complicated in form and tricky to get right. This has a double rim top which resembles the an old fashioned tea caddy, not simple!

Sugarplums! 3 different clay techniques; Throwing a hollow enclosed form, slab work leaves and a pulled stem!

Christmas tree!